A little bit about us
Ohana Means Family
Ohana Farms was established in 2015 by Aaron Campbell and his daughter Betsy. Aaron understands that family includes not only the people that you are born with, but also the community that grows to become a part of you. Ohana Farms was created to be an inclusive place that would welcome, sustain, and continue to grow with both the land and community of Pender Island.
The Farm Stand
The stand sells via the honor system and is open from Dawn to Dusk, 7 days per week, next to a picnic area with plenty of seating space to relax and enjoy a rest. So, come on by!
The Land
Ohana Farms is located on 50 acres of land that was previously the islands grass airstrip. There are multiple old airplane hangers located on the property, as well as a tiny control tower. The cleared grass land is slowly being transformed into farmland.
Although planes no longer land here, the island’s emergency helipad is still located beside the farm stand area, and is exclusively used by BC air ambulances. Watch out for the rotor wash if you see one coming in!
The Pig
You may notice that the Ohana Farms’ logo prominently features a pig. This same image is also tattooed on Aaron’s arm. The pig’s name was Mr. Kevin Bacon. A mascot for the farm at the very beginning, this runt of the litter was rejected by its mother and hand nursed by Aaron. You could often find the piglet curled up under Aaron’s work desk at the pub. Although he is no longer with us, his piglet spirit lives on.